2 Ocak 2019 Çarşamba




Suriye’nin kuzeyinde PKK saflarında savaşan batılı anarşist ve Marksistlerin 
Avrupa’ya dönmesiyle sağlanacak bağlantılarla PKK’nın suç ağı da 
genişleyecektir. PKK’nın örgütün şantaj, adam kaçırma ve uyuşturucu gibi 
suçlara bulaşmış bir suç ve terör ağı olduğunu unutulmamalıdır. PKK ve bölgedeki terör ağının Avrupa’ya istikrar getirmeyeceği, Almanya gibi ülkelerin 
Türkiye ve Suriye politikalarını rehin almaya doğru gittiği ve PKK’nın Avrupa 
içinde edindiği gücün özellikle Rusya’nın giderek güçlendiği ve Avrupa’da 
aşırı sol ve sağ akımların büyük alan kazandığı dönemde istismara açık 
olduğu görülmelidir. Mevcut uluslararası düzenin üzerinde kara bulutların 
gezdiği, popülizmin önlenemez yükselişte olduğu ve ‘orta yolun’ giderek seyreldiği bir dönemde, global düzlemde devletsiz bir toplum vizyonuna sahip 
totaliter bir örgütü desteklemenin doğru seçim olmadığı ortadadır.


1. “Combating al-Qaeda in Syria: A Strategy for Next Administration”, The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, 11 January 2017, 
2. “Combating al-Qaeda in Syria”, s.10. 
3. Kyle W. Orton, “ The West’s Kurdish Allies in Syria Can’t Escape Their Authoritarian Legacy”, The Syrian Intifada, 
4. Elaine Sciolino and Eric Schmitt, “A Not Very Private Feud Over Terrorism”, New York Times, June 8, 2008, 
5. Bruce Hoffman, “Combating Al Qaeda and the Militant Islamic Threat”, RAND, February 2006, 
http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/testimonies/2006/RAND_CT255.pdf, s. 3 
6. Leah Farrall (March/April 2011), “How al Qaeda Works: What the Organization’s Subsidiaries 
Say About Its Strength”, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 90, No.2, s. 133. 
7. Bkz. Marc Sageman, Leaderless Jihad: Terror Networks In the Twenty-First Century; ayrıca bkz. 
Dipak Gupta, Understanding Terrorism And Political Violence: The Life Cycle Of Birth, Growth, Transformation and Demise, (New York, Routledge, 2008), ss.89-92 
8. Farrall, s. 128; ayrıca bkz. Jim Tankersley, “How Al Qaeda Works like the Boy Scouts,”, The Washington Post, December 4, 2014, 
Martin Jones, “Dismantling Jemaah Islamiyah’s Southeast Asian Terror Franchise”, The National Interest, May 14, 2003, 
9. Farrall, s. 133 
10. Bruce Hoffman, “Leaderless Jihad’s Leader”, Foreign Affairs, May 13, 2011, 
11. Ben Hubbard, “The Franchising of Al Qaeda”, The New York Times, January 25, 2014, 
12. Tricia Bacon, “Alliance Hubs: Focal Points in the International Terrorist Landscape”, Perspectives on Terrorism, 8 (4), (2014), 
13. Mahmut Bozarslan, “Who is TAK and why did it attack Ankara?” Al Monitor, February 29, 
2016. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/02/turkeyoutlawed-tak-will-not-deviate-line-of-ocalan.html 
14. Ismet G. Imset, The PKK: A Report on Separatist Violence in Turkey (Turkish Daily News Publications: Ankara: 1992), ss. 359-360. 
15. Akkaya and Jongerden, ss. 147-150; ayrıca Aliza Marcus, “Turkey’s PKK, rise, fall, rise again?”, s.77-80 
16. Ahmet Hamdi Akkaya ve Joost Jongerden, “The PKK in the 2000s: Continuity through Breaks?” 
in Marlies Casier and Joost Jongerder (eds.) Nationalisms and politics in Turkey: political Islam, 
Kemalism, and the Kurdish Issue (ss.143-162) (Routledge, 2011), s. 154. 
17. Bruce Hoffman, “Four Lessons from Five Countries”. RAND. 
18. KCK (Koma Civaken Kurdistan) Sözleşmesi, https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4HO5r4WOpdzQk1MZ2lYM1RKaE0/edit 
19. Akkaya ve Jongerden, ss. 147-149. 
20. Ragıp Soylu, Archives, testimonies confirm PYD/YPG’s organic link with PKK terror organisation”, Daily Sabah, February 20, 2016. 
21. Akkaya and Jongerden, s. 150 
22. Rana Marcel Khalaf, “Governing Rojava: Layers of Legitimacy in Syria”, Chatham House, 
https://www.chathamhouse.org/publication/governing-rojava-layerslegitimacy-Syria, s.10 
23. Akkaya and Jongerden, s. 147 
24. Wes Enzinna, “A Dream of Secular Utopia in ISIS’ Background”, New York Times, 24 November 
2015, https://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/29/magazine/a-dream-of-utopia-in-hell.html; “On 
the Frontlines with the Kurdish female fighters beating Back ISIS”, Huck,17 October 2016, 
25. Ahmet Hamdi Akkaya ve Joost Jongerden, s.146; Aliza Marcus, “Turkey’s PKK, Rise, Fall, Rise 
Again?”, World Policy Journal, Spring 2007, 75-84, s.83 
26. “Is al-Qaeda Still Relevant? The Washington Institute, 10 September 2012, 
27. Akkaya and Jongerden, s. 156. 
28. Jenna Krajeski, “What the Kurds Want: Syrian Kurds are trying to build a leftist revolution in 
the midst of a çivil war”, Virginia Qarterly Review, Vol. 91 (4), Fall 2015, ss. 90-92; Seth Harp, 
“The Anarchists vs. the Islamic State”, RollingStone, 14 February 2017. http://www.rollingstone. 
29. Michael Radu, “The Rise and Fall of the PKK”, Foreign Policy Research Institute, January 1, 
2001. http://www.fpri.org/article/2001/01/rise-fallpkk/ 
30. Michiel Leezenberg, “The Ambiguities of Democratic Autonomy: the Kurdish movement in 
Turkey and Rojava”, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 16 (4) (2016):671-690, s. 683. 
31. Marcus, 2007, ss. 121-122. 
32. Can Acun ve Bünyamin Keskin, “PKK’nın Kuzey Suriye Örgütlenmesi” [Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı], 
SETA, 2016, http://setav.org/assets/uploads/2017/01/PYD_YPG_.pdf 
33. Jean Marie Guehenno, “Don’t Sacrifice Turkey to Save Syria”, International Crisis Group, 29 
February 2016. https://www.crisisgroup.org/europe-central-asia/ western-europemediterranean/ 
34. Hugh Pope, “Turkey, Syria and Saving the PKK Peace Process”, International Crisis Group, 10 
December 2014. https://www.crisisgroup.org/europe-centralasia/ western-europemediterranean/ 
35. “‘Ayn al ‘Arab: PYD supporters demonstrate for the release of Öcalan”, KurdWatch,
36. Kurdwatch, “What does the Syrian-Kurdish opposition want? Politics between Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, 
Damascus and Qandil”, KurdWatch, Sep-tember 2013, s. 4. 
37. Omar Sheikhmous, “Difficult Options Facing the Kurds in Syria”, http://www.iraqstudies.com/ 
syria2.pdf, s.9; Vittoria Federici, “The Rise of Rojava: Kurdish Autonomy in the Syrian Conflict”, SAIS Review of International Affairs, 35 (2), Summer-Fall 2015, ss. 81-90, s. 83. 
38. Soylu, 2016. 
39. Leezenberg, s.682 
40. “PKK Suriye ve Irak’tan Bin Dolara Adam Topluyor”, Hürriyet, 15 September 1998. 
41. Barak Barfi, “Ascent of the PYD and the SDF”, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 
No. 32, April 2016, s. 7, 
http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policyanalysis/ view/ascent-of-thepyd-and-the-sdf 
42. Akkaya and Jorgerden, ss. 157-158. 
43. “The Forgotten Kurds”, Majalla, 2 August 2012, http://eng.majalla.com/2012/08/article55233338/
44. Jordi Tejel, Syria’s Kurds: History, Politics and Society, Terc. Emily Welle ve Jane Welle (New 
York: Routledge, 2009), s. 76 
45. Tejel, ss.104-105 
46. Tejel, s.93; Khalaf, s.8. 
47. Bente Scheller, The Wisdom Of Syria’s Waiting Game: Foreign Policy under the Assads (London: 
Hurst and Company, 2013), ss.100-101; ayrıca bkz. Soner Çağaptay, “Syria and Turkey: the 
PKK Dimension”, The Washington Institute, 5 April 2012. http:// www.washingtoninstitute.org/ 
48. Ransom, D.M. (2006). Oral History Interview with Ambassador David Michael Ransom/Interviewer: 
Charles Stuart Kennedy. Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection, Association for 
Diplomatic Studies and Training, Arlington, VA, www.adst.org. Retrieved from http://www.adst. 
org/OH%20TOCs/Ransom,%20David%20Michael.toc%20ss.pdf, s.80; ayrıca bkz. Marjorie 
Ransom’s account, who was Public Affairs Officer/Deputy Chief of Mission from 1995 to 1997. 
Ransom, M. (2003). Interviewer: Charles Stuart Kennedy. Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection, 
Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, Arlington, VA, www.adst.org, http://www. 
adst.org/OH%20TOCs/Ransom,%20Marjorie.toc.pdf, s.75; Suriye rejimlerinin PKK’nın Suriye’de 
militan kazanmasına yardımcı olmasına dair son dönemde ortaya çıkan bilgiler için bkz. 
“Assad Regime Facilitated PKK Recruitment for Kurds in Syria: security documents via Za-man 
al Wasl”, Yallasouriya, 9 March 2016. both https://yallasouriya.wordpress.com/2016/03/09/assad-
and https://www.zamanalwsl.net/news/68983.html 
49. Barkley, R. C. (2004). Oral History Interview with Richard C. Barkley/Interviewer: Charles 
Stuart Kennedy. Foreign Affairs Oral History Collec-tion, Association for Diplomatic Studies 
and Training, Arlington, VA, www.adst.org. Retrieved from http://www.adst.org/OH%20TOCs/ 
Barkley,%20Richard%20C.toc.pdf, ss. 197-198 
50. Radu, 2001. 
51. “Al-Qamishli: Turkish army advances on Syrian territory”, KurdWatch, www.kurdwatch.org/?e3711 
52. Tejel, s.79 
53. Federici, s. 83 
54. “Flight of Icarus? The PYD’s Precarious Rise in Syria”, International Crisis Group, 8 May 2014. 
https://www.crisisgroup.org/middle-east-north-africa/easternmediterranean/ syria/flight-icarus-pyd-s-precarious-rise-syria, s. 4. 
55. Soylu, 2016. 
56. Soylu, 2016. 
57. Soylu, 2016. 
58. Matt Bradley ve Joe Parkinson, “America’s Marxist Allies Against ISIS”, Wall Street Journal, 24.07.2015. 
59. Kurdwatch, “What does the Syrian-Kurdish opposition want? Politics between Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, 
Damascus and Qandil”, KurdWatch, September 2013, s. 16.
60. Leezenberg, ss. 682-683 
61. “Al-Qamishli: PYD members kill three people and severely injure one”, KurdWatch, www.kurdwatch.
62. “Flight of Icarus”, .2014, s. 17. 
63. Aaron Stein and Michelle Foley, “The YPG-PKK Connection”, Atlantic Council, 26 January 
2016. http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/the-ypgpkk- connection 
64. Güvenlik yetkilileriyle Ankara’da yapılan görüşme, 21 Mayıs 2014. 
65. Jason Fritz and Joseph Young, “Transnational “Volunteers”: America’s Anti-ISILFighters”, War 
on the Rocks, 13 September 2016. https://warontherocks.com/2016/09/transnational-volunteers-
66. Jeremy Bender, “2 US veterans traveled to Syria to fight alongside the Kurds against ISIS— 
here’s what it was like”. Business Insider, 4 September 2015, http://www.businessinsider.com/ 
67. Peter O’Connor, “Kurdish guerilla movement PKK recruits men, women to fight against Turkey”, 
News, 3 October 2015. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-10-03/kurdish-guerilla-movement-
68. “On the Frontlines with Kurdish”, 2016. 
69. Khalaf, s.13 
70. Omar Sheikhmous, “Difficult Options Facing the Kurds in Syria”, 
http://www.iraqstudies.com/syria2.pdf, s.9; Vittoria Federici, “The Rise of Rojava: Kurdish Autonomy in the Syrian Conflict”, 
SAIS Review of International Affairs, 35 (2), Summer-Fall 2015, ss. 81-90, s. 83. 
71. Khalaf, s.13 
72. Khalaf, s.22 
73. Kurdwatch, “What does the Syrian-Kurdish opposition want? Politics between Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, 
Damascus and Qandil”, KurdWatch, September 2013 
74. Benjamin Freedman ve Matthew Levitt, “Contending with the PKK’s Narco-Terrorism”, The 
Washington Institute, 8 December 2009. http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/ 
75. Soner Çağaptay ve Zeynep Eroğlu, “The PKK, PJAK, and Iran:Implications for U.S.-Turkish 
Relations”, The Washington Institute, June 13, 2007, http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-
76. “On the Frontlines with Kurdish”, 2016. 
77. Mona Mahmood, “‘We are so proud’ – the women who died defending Kobani against’ 
78. Isis”, the Guardian, 30 February 2015. https://www.theguardian.com/ world/2015/jan/30/kurdish-
79. “On the Frontlines with Kurdish”, 2016. 
80. O’Connor, 2015. 
81. “Çocuklarımız Kanlarıyla Sınırları Kaldırdı”, ANFNews, 13 November 2014. http://anfmobileun.
82. “PKK’s Fateful Choice”, s.3 
83. Andrew Self ve Jared Ferris, “Dead Men Tell No Lies: Killed-in-Action (KIA) Data to Expose 
the PKK’s Regional Shell Game”, Defence Against Terrorism Review, 26(8), 9-35. 
84. Barfi, April 2016, s. 8. 
85. “Rumaylan: PKK and Syrian regime cooperate in Rumaylan”, KurdWatch, 
86. Marcus, s. 82 
87. Kyle Orton, “Analysis: ‘Turkey Continues to Protest the Coalitions’ Syrian KurdishA llies’”, The Henry Jackson 
Society, 22 November 2016, http://henryjacksonsociety.org/2016/11/22/analysis-turkey-continues-
88. Orton, “Analysis: ‘Turkey Continues…” 
89. Joost Jongerden ve Ahmet Hamdi Akkaya, “Born from the Left: The Making of the PKK” in 
Marlies Casier ve Joost Jongerder (eds.) Nationalisms and politics in Turkey: political Islam, 
Kemalism, and the Kurdish Issue (ss.123-142) (Routledge, 2011). 
90. Jongerden veAkkaya, 2011, s. 124 
91. Jongerden ve Akkaya, 2011, s. 125. 
92. Marcus, 2007, s. 34 
93. Jongerden ve Akkaya, 2011, s.126. 
94. “Portre Abdullah Öcalan”, Aljazeera Turk, 20 January 2014. http://www.aljazeera.com.tr/portre/ 
95. Andrew Mango. Turkey and the War on Terror: For Forty Years We Fought Alone. New York: 
Routledge, 2005, s.23. 
96. “DHKP-C Terör Örgütü”, http://www.geocities.ws/janjakrouso29/DHKPc.htm 
97. Jongerden ve Ahmet Hamdi Akkaya. 
98. Bacon, 2014, s. 14 
99. “Anarchist Armed Struggle in Rojava and Beyond: An Interview with the IRPGF”, ItsGoing- 
Down, May 8, 2017, https://itsgoingdown.org/anarchist-armed-struggle-rojava-beyond-interview-irpgf/ 
100. Bruce Hoffman, “Combating Al Qaeda and the Militant Islamic Threat”, RAND, February2006. 
http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/testimonies/2006/RAND_CT255.pdf, s.2 
101. Mohammed A. Salih, “Meet the Badass Women Fighting the Islamic State”, Foreign Policy, 12 
September 2014. http://foreignpolicy.com/2014/09/12/meet-the-badass-women-fighting-the-islamic-
state/; “Fransa’da Öğrencilere Terör Propagandası”, Hürriyet, 10 May 2016. http://www. 
102. Bradley ve Parkinson, 2015 
103. Ragıp Soylu, “Pentagon Confirms It Delivered Armored Vehicles to YPG-Dominated Syrian 
Democratic Forces” Daily Sabah, 31 January 2017, 
104. Bradley ve Parkinson, 2015. 
105. Bradley ve Parkinson, 2015. 
106. Pavol Kosnac, “Combat charities or when humanitarians go to war: Influence of nonstate actors on local order of partially governed spaces”, 
Brookings Local Orders Paper Series, Paper 6, April 2017, 
https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/fp_201704_combat_charities.pdf, s.5. 
107. Kosnac, 2017, s.26 
108. Kosnac, 2017, s.24 
109. Kosnac, 2017, s.24 
110. “Syrian Kurds Inaugurate Representation Office in Sweden”, AraNews, 18 April 2016. 
111. http://aranews.net/2016/04/syrian-kurds-inaugurate-representation-office-sweden/ 
112. “Left-Wing Danish Party Backs Syrian Kurdish Rebels”, Socialist Resistance, 8 October 2014. 
113. Enzinna, 2015. 
114. “US Defense Chief admits PYD, YPG, PKK Link”, Wold Bulletin, 29 April 2016. http://www. 
worldbulletin.net/haber/172114/us-defense-chief-admits-pyd-ypg-pkk-linkOrton, 2016. 
115. Orton, 2016. 
116. Liz Sly, “U.S. military aid is fueling big ambitions for Syria’s leftist Kurdish militia”, The 
Washington Post, 7 January 2017. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/us-military-
117. Harp, 2017. 
118. Thomas Laurent, “Meet One of the French Volunteers Fighting Against the Islamic State in Syria”, 
Vice News, 21 November 2015. https://news.vice.com/article/meet-one-of-the-french-volunteers-
119. Hisham Aidi, “Spanist Leftists Join Fight Against ISIL”, AlJazeera English, 17 April 
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120. Alex MacDonald, “Christian Foreign Fighters Deserting YPG Because They’re ‘Damn Reds’”, 
Middle East Eye, 19 February 2015. http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/christian-foreign-fighters-
deserting-kurdish-ypg-syria-because-theyre-damned-reds-1976493133; http://bombsdollars. 
121. John Knefel, “A Hello to Arms: A New Generation of Steely-Gazed Anarchist Communists Head 
Off to Syria”, The Village Voice, 7 June 2016. 
122. Pato Rincon, ‘The Warped Marxist-Feminist Ideology of the Kurdish YPG’, Bombs and Dollars, May 9, 2017, 
123. Knefel, 2016. 
124. Soner Çağaptay, “How Can Europe Address Its PKK Problem?” TransAtlantic Institute, December 
2006. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/uploads/Documents/opeds/45783105c171b.pdf, s. 3 
125. Marlies Casier, “Designated Terrorists: The Kurdistan Workers’ Party and its Struggle to (Re) 
Gain Political Legitimacy”, Mediterranean Politics, 15 (3), 2010: 393-413, s. 399 
126. Peter Chalk, West European Terrorism an Counter-Terrorism: The Evolving Dynamic (London 
and New York: Macmillan, 1996), s.62. 
127. Shanaka Jayasekara, “Tamil Tigers Links with Islamists Groups”, International Institute for 
Counter-Terrorism, IDC Herzliya, February 3, 2009, https://www.ict.org.il/Article/1023/tamil-tiger-
128. Radu, 2001. 
129. Mitchel P. Roth ve Murat Sever, “The Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) as Criminal Syndicate:- 
Funding Terrorism through Organized Crime, A Case Study”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 
30(10), 2007: 901-920, ss.906-913; ayrıca bkz. Radu, 2001. 
130. Abdülkadir Önay, ‘PKK Criminal Networks and Fronts in Europe’, The Washington Institute, February 21, 2008, 
 131. Freedman ve Levitt, 2009. 
132. Mircea Gheordenescu, “Terrorism and Organized Crime: The Romanian Perspective”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 11 (4), 1999: 24-29, s.24-25. 
133. Abdülkadir Önay, ‘PKK Criminal Networks and Fronts in Europe’. 
134. Paul White. The PKK: Coming Down from the Mountains. London Zed Books. 2015. s. 111. 
135. White, s.115. 
136. Michael Radu, “The PKK Strategy in Europe to Place Turkey on Trial”, Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1 February 1999. 
137. Europol, “TE-SAT 2008: EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report”, 
https://www.europol.europa.eu/activities-services/main-reports/te-sat-2008-eu-terrorism-situation-trend-report, ss. 29-30. 
138. Europol, “TE-SAT 2008: EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report”, s. 31 
139. Freedman ve Levitt, 2009. 
140. “TE-SAT 2014: EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report”, https://www.europol.europa.eu/activities-
services/main-reports/te-sat-2014-eu-terrorism-situation-and-trend-report, s.10. 
141. Europol, “TE-SAT 2016: EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report”, 
https://www.europol.europa.eu/activities-services/main-reports/european-union-terrorism-situation-and-trend-report-te-sat-2016, s.35 
142. Radu, 1999. 
143. “Syria: Us Ally’s Razing of Villages Amounts to War Crimes”, Amnesty International, 13 October 2015. 
https://www.amnesty.org/en/press-releases/2015/10/syria-us-allys-razing-of-villagesamounts-to-war-crimes/; “Under Kurdish Rule”, Human Rights Watch, 19 June 2014; https:// 
144. Peter W. Singer, Children at War (New York: Vintage Books, 2005). 
145. ‘Syria: Kurdish Forces Violating Child Soldier Ban’, Human Rights Watch, July 15, 2015, https://
www.hrw.org/news/2015/07/10/syria-kurdish-forces-violating-child-soldier-ban-0; ‘YPG 
Recruiting underage fighters in Efrin’, Northern Syria Observer, May 25, 2017, https://www. 
146. Khalaf’a göre (2016), “PYD’nin gücü tekeline alma isteği PYD’nin öne sürdüğü resmi demokratik 
ideolojiin önüne geçer”. Khalaf bu kez bölgedeki bir aktiviste dayandırarak “PYD’nin bir kült 
gibi hareket ettiğini, ya içinde olmanız gerektiğini ya da dışında kalan, farklı düşünen, sorgulayan 
veya onu hesaba çeken kimselere yer olmadığını” söyler. Khalaf, s. 11; “PYD human rights 
violations in Syria at ‘new heights’”, Anadolu Agency, 25 April 2016. http://aa.com.tr/en/world/ 
pyd-human-rights-violations-in-syria-at-new-heights/561316. Ayrıca bkz. Roy Gutman, “Have 
the Syrian Kurds Committed War Crimes?” The Nation, February 7, 2017, https://www.thenation.
147. Tejel, s. 156, n.17. 
148. Anthony Shadid, “Killing of Opposition Leader in Syria Provokes Kurds”, The New York Times, 
8 October 2011. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/09/world/middleeast/killing-of-opposition-leader-
in-syria-provokes-kurds.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1; Gutman, 2017. 
149. Khalaf, 2016, s. 22; Leezenberg, s.683 
150. Leezenberg, s.678 
151. Edwin Mora, “Manhattan ‘Anarcho-Communist’ Joins ‘Marxist’ Kurdish YPG Fighters in Syria”, 
Breitbart, 9 June 2016. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/06/09/manhattan-anarcho-
152. Şener Aktürk, “The PKK and PYD’s Kurdish Soviet Experiment in Syria and Turkey”, Daily Sabah, 27 January 2016. 
153. Leezenberg, ss. 675, 683 
154. Aktürk, 2016. 
155. Gutman, 2017; ayrıca bkz. Khalaf, s. 9 
156. Kyle W. Orton, ‘Analysis: Crackdown Continues in Syrian Kurdish Areas’, 12 May 2017, http:// 
157. Fabrice Balanche, ‘From Qamishli to Qamishlo: A Trip to Rojava’s New Capital’, The Washington 
Institute, May 8, 2017, http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/fikraforum/view/from-qamishlito-
158. Muhammad Noor, ‘U.S. Arms Kurds Who Are ISIS Enemies, Turkey Enemies, Assad Friends’, 
Daily Beast, May 12, 2017, http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2017/05/12/u-s-arms-kurds-
159. Radu, 1999. 
160. Radu, 2001. 
161. Radu, 2001 
162. Radu, 2001 
163. KCK (Koma Civaken Kurdistan) Contract, s. 4. 
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4HO5r4WOpdzQk1MZ2lYM1RKaE0/edit adresinden erişim sağlanabilir. 
164. Knefel, 2016. 
165. Sly, 2017. 
166. Ankara’da güvenlik yetkilileriyle yapılan mülakat, 21 Mayıs 2016. 
167. Bu işbirliği halen devam etmektedir. ‘YPG allies in Syria hand 50 detainees to Assad regime: an ex-detainees told NSO’, Northern Syria Observer, 25 May 2017, 
https://www.nso-sy.com/Details/440/YPG-allies-in-Syria-hand-50-detainees-to-Assad-regime:an-ex-detainees-told-NSO/en168. Harp, 2017. 
169. Andy Greenberg, ‘How an Anarchist Bitcoin Coder Found Himsel Fighting ISIS in Syria’, The 
Wired, 29 March, 2017, https://www.wired.com/2017/03/anarchist-bitcoin-coder-found-fighting-isis-syria/ 
170. Alex de Jong, “The New-Old PKK”, Jacobin, 18 March 2016. 
171. Hubbard, 2014. 
172. Sly, 2017. 
173. Sly, 2017; Orton, 2016. 
174. ‘Anarchist Armed Struggle in Rojava and Beyond: An Interview with the IRGPF’, Its Going- Down, May 8, 2017, 
175. Clare Maxwell, ‘Anarchy in the YPG: Foreign Volunteers Vow Turkish ‘Revolution’’, Middle East Eye, May 10, 2017, 
176. Maxwell, ‘Anarchy in the YPG’. 
177. İsmet G. Imset, The PKK: A Report on Separatist Violence in Turkey (Turkish Daily News Publications: Ankara: 1992), s.359.
178. ‘Anarchist Armed Struggle in Rojava and Beyond: An Interview with the IRGPF’, ItsGoing- Down, 
179. ‘Greek Anarchists Fighting ISIS in Kurdish Areas in Syria’, DailyHellas, May 25, 2017, http:// 
180. Bu tür marjinal sol terör örgütlerinin son dönemdeki önemli terör eylemlerinden biri için bkz. 
Alex Christoforou, ‘Greek anarchist group ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’, The Duran, March 
17, 2017, http://theduran.com/greek-anarchist-group-conspiracy-of-the-cells-of-fire-strikes-
twice-in-europe/; ayrıca Tommy Trenchard’, ‘Inside Greece’s Resurgent Anarchist Movement’, 
Al Jazeera, http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2015/11/anarchy-future-greece-
181. Lizzie Dearden, ‘Anarchist Terror Threat Emerges across Europe after parcel bombs sent to French and German officials’, The Independent, 17 March 2017, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/imf-france-paris-letter-parcel-bombing-german-finance-ministry-anarchists-terror-greece-conspiracy-a7636116.html 
182. Kyle Orton, ‘Analysis: ‘The West’s Inconsistent Approach to Foreign Fighters in Syria’, The Henry Jackson Society, April 10, 2017, 

Doç. Dr. Bayram Ali Soner 

Polis Akademisinde öğretim üyesidir. Lisans, Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora derecelerini Bilkent Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi bölümünden aldı. Makaleleri Middle Eastern Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Balkan and Near 
Eastern Studies ve Turkish Studies gibi dergilerde yayınlandı. 

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ömer Aslan 

Polis Akademisinde öğretim üyesidir. Lisans eğitimini Bilkent Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi bölümünde, yüksek lisansını uluslararası ilişkiler alanında London 
School of Economics’te ve doktorasını Bilkent Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi bölümünde tamamladı. Turkish Studies, British Journal of Middle Eastern 
Studies, Liberal Düşünce ve Middle East Critique gibi dergilerde makaleleri yayınlanmıştır. 

Hakan Kıyıcı 

Polis Akademisinde araştırma görevlisidir. Lisans derecesini Selçuk Üniversitesinden almış, yüksek lisansını ise uluslararası ilişkiler alanında Akdeniz Üniversitesinden almıştır. Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümünde doktor adayıdır. 


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